The Stack System – my review
Jun 03, 2023
Do you want to hit the ball further? I certainly do! Currently my swing speed is at 95 mph (and getting slower) so I could do desperately with some more horsepower!
Distance and Power is becoming increasingly important in the elite game, and there are lots of gadgets to help you acquire speed? But they do they work?
I ordered the Stack System for several players I coach and I had the chance this week to work with it this week.
The founder is Dr Sasho MackEnzie, who I have attended his presentations and he definitely is an authoritative expert in this area.
In a nutshell it’s a swing stick, with adjustable weights, which you then train with using the app, which walks you through the training steps.
I must say the app is very user friendly and easy to follow. It asks you to do 7 exercises, each with differing weights. It takes about 30 minutes to complete and it is recommended you do 2 -3 times per week. You will also need a small radar (like the PGRG) which measures your swing speed, which you then input into the app.
This week I had one of my students, top 10 Asian Tour player, Kevin Yuan, try it out. Kevin’s swing speed is typically 110 mph club head speed/165 mph ball speed. Using some of the drills from the app, we were able to max this out at 115mph clubhead speed and 174mph ball speed. So that was pretty good for a first go.
As an Elite Player and Tour Coach, I do believe every player needs some sort of regular protocol for power and speed. I am interested to continue to work with the Stack System with my players to view the results over the longer term.
If you are interested to order or learn more about the Stack System you can click HERE
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