Do you have the IMPULSE? The Inside the Tour Secret to POWER and SPEED!
Jun 17, 2023
Power and speed are the buzz words on Tour, with Players regularly exchanging their Ball Speed numbers in the Players Lounge!
The inside secret on Tour, and we have to thank Golf Technology experts Dr Mike Duffey (Penn State University) and Steve Gould (Owner of GASP Systems and the market leading Dual 3D Force Plates), is that the FORCE IMPULSE is a critical number.
Force Impulse defined is the quantity of force created over the time interval of the swing. Take the analogy of 2 sprinters - imagine one sprinter who starts from a standing start, versus another who has a running start - it’s clear who would have more speed and its exactly the same in the golf swing.
So how can you create this In the golf swing? It's important to get forces created early (so that means pre-swing), in order to create this ‘running start’.
- Forward Press
- Push left foot, right foot, then left foot and swing
The harder you do these (does not need to be a long movement (so short and sharp), the more momentum you will create and consequently the higher your Force Impulse will be, and consequently your club head speed.
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